Saturday, June 22, 2013

Video Response

I agree with Jay Z on his opinion of having to make his own rules. With hip hop becoming extremely popular and a center piece for a lot of peoples everyday lives, artists and companies involved with the hip hop industry have to stay up to date on everything so they don't fall behind. In order for them to stay up to date, they constantly create new standards for things by improving their latest and greatest ideas past their competitors. Through the power of the internet, rules can be broken even easier then before, for example every year information is leaked about the newest call of duty, and the only way to counter these leaks are to change the elements in the game to contradict what the leak says. I feel this is the same thing with the music industry. Mix Tapes for artists are like leaks, they are usually free and found everywhere. When an artist comes out with an album they usually go a totally different way then the mix tape just to keep their audiences intrigued and stay faithful.

The internet has changed the worlds main way of communication for both the better and worse. The internet has enhanced the speed in which messages can be relayed back and forth between individuals, and it has also given a birth to the new age of electronics. The internet is one of the main ways companies advertise their products and new ideas. Because of the internet's capability of reaching a wide range of people, ideas and information is shared world wide from the click of a button. The bad thing about the internet is that it takes away from the traditional types of communication. Sending letters in the mail is close to being obsolete. Though an E-mail is way more convenient for people, it lacks the sincerity of a hand written letter. Through the internet, the military has become an even bigger force to be reckoned with. With that being said, the military also has to take even more precautions to keep their information safe from computer hackers. The internet has also created a new way to attack enemies. If China ever felt threatened by the United States they can launch an attack on all of our technology, setting everything back decades. The internet has many advantages to our success of communication, but it has an equal amount of room to be our nations down fall. 

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