Saturday, June 22, 2013

Image Response

After reading the different article posts on the linked page, i came to the conclusion that society is starting to decline on the moral stand point. when things were harder to obtain they were cherished, but now that things come a bit easier compared to the cost of living, they are taken for granted. If instead of a cell phone or a computer with internet access, you just had an address book, stamps, paper, and pens the communication between people would be sincere and actually have a heart felt meaning behind them. You can write 5 pages in a letter full of emotion and stories about what you have been going through, and receive a letter the same length or longer with the same emotion behind the words. In modern times, sending people a text is never over 200 characters unless your arguing or trying to explain yourself to someone. With internet being implemented into everyday life, words have turned to short hand, and Simple words like, One, Two, Three have been converted to 1, 2. 3, for the sake of time. Things in my opinion should go back to writing heart felt, emotion filled letters to your loved ones and friends instead of a text that takes 5 minutes.  

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